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Oral Presentation Guidelines


Observing Your Allotted Time 

  • The total time allotted to each speaker is 12 minutes. You should plan to speak for 10 minutes and leave 2 minutes for questions.

  • Invited speakers have 20 minutes in total, and they should plan to speak for about 15 min, leaving 5 min. for questions.

  • There is NO EXCUSE for using more than your allotted time. Rehearse your presentation several times; projecting slides and doing anything else you would otherwise expect to do at the meeting. It is a discourtesy to your audience, the Session Chair and the other speakers to exceed your allotted time. The Session Chairs are instructed to adhere to the printed schedule for the session.

Guidelines for Poster Presentations


Poster Presentations will be displayed for the duration of the conference in the Poster Display Area in A0 size, landscape orientation and on the conference website.


The title should be the same as in the submitted abstract.



The poster must be A0 size (A0 size is 841mm x 1189mm) in landscape orientation.



The poster should be easily readable at a distance of two metres. Use UPPER and lower case for general content as the use of all-capital text is difficult to read. Avoid using a mixture of type/font styles.



Include the title of your presentation at the top of the poster. Characters should be a minimum of 48 point font size. Your name, School or Centre should also be displayed on the poster. HEADINGS 48 to 60 point font size is recommended for headings.



24 to 32 font size single spaced is recommended. The text should be concise and easy to read.

The message that your poster contains should be clear and understandable without the requirement of oral explanation. If relevant, methods should be presented simply and concisely.

After the title, the two most important panels are the Introduction and the Conclusion. On the basis of these two panels, a reader will decide whether to consider the poster details and perhaps talk to the presenter. These panels need to be very simple, concise and visually attractive. Results should be presented graphically if possible. Avoid large tables of data.

Results should be in line with those originally submitted in your abstract.

Use pictures, symbols and colour. Figure legends are essential and should be short but informative. If using graphs, they should have a short heading.

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